Inspiration Isn’t Action

I love the New Year. It’s invigorating and inspiring to be starting over, getting a fresh take on things, and recommitting to goals and dreams that maybe didn’t quite see their fruition last year. I’m big on office supplies, so one of my favorite ways to kick off the new year is with a new planner, new pens, and some new notebooks. Maybe some highlighters too. And some cool note tabs. And…. Well, you get the picture.

But inspiration isn’t action, is it?

It’s the same with writing. Coming off of a book release (The Artifex came out last month!), there’s always a bit of a lull before the start of a new project, but there’s a lot of inspiration. We need ways to capture all of those great ideas and organize them. I’ve discovered the power of Pinterest for capturing some of that inspiration, by the way — you can check out the idea boards for my two new projects, as well as inspiration for settings, costumes, and the writing life, here. Some of this stuff is incredibly cool…and it fuels your imagination like crazy!


But inspiration isn’t action. It’s a necessary part of writing, but at a certain point, it’s time to get the keys working again and turn that inspiration into a working story. All this month, we’ll be doing a series on creating vivid settings for your books — from using Pinterest for research and inspiration to writing about food…and everything in between!

And we’ll have a  SisterMuses podcast on settings this month too! We are very excited to be launching the SisterMuses podcasts, so we hope you’ll join us for that!

Next week, we’ll jump right in on gathering inspiration using Pinterest and travel!

Happy writing!

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